NAFTA Summit in Cancun
More World Trade Center Calls Released
Cancun Summit Commentary by Lou Dobbs
Toshiba Starts to Sell Next-Generation HD-DVD Players
Iran Builds Missile Capable of Hitting Multiple Targets
Palestinian Groups Continue to Bicker Over Leadership
Bin Laden Planning New Attack
Abu Jandal Interviewed for 60 Minutes Says New Attack Coming
Moussaoui Had *No* Role in 9/11
Millions More Protest in France Against Job Security Law
Former Liberian President Charles Taylor Arrested
Blackwater USA Offers Private Armies For Hire
American Jill Carroll Walks Free From Iraq Kidnappers
U.S. Planning on Detonating 700-ton Explosive Outside Las Vegas
War in Iraq = Saddam's Fault ?
Massive protests disrupt France as students and unions dispute new law attacking job security.
CNN.com - Bush blames Iraq's instability on Hussein - Mar 29, 2006
Canada Becomes First Country After Israel to Stop Funding of Palestinian Authority
CNN.com - Ex-lobbyist Abramoff gets prison sentence - Mar 29, 2006
Rolling Stone : The Vines Rock Again on "Vision"
BREITBART.COM - Teen charged with felony for e-mails threatening Bush
CNN.com - U.S. unveils rise in SUV, pickup fuel standards - Mar 29, 2006
The Woes of Iraq
Yesterday 40 Iraqi Army recruits were killed in a suicide bombing at a base between Tal Afar and Mosul. Another 16 employees of a trading company were kidnapped, with CNN now reporting something like 35 people being kidnapped over the last two days. Dick Cheney, VP of the U.S. on Face the Nation a week ago denied that there is a civil war underway in Iraq.
Well Dick Cheney is the captain of all the rosey-eyed freedom-bestowing optimists in Iraq after all. He must know what's up in Iraq. And his lackey Blair also made the claim recently that the war is part of a greater war between pretty Western values and backwards Islamist values.
In this reporter's not so humble opinion, the entire idea being propagated by the leaders of the U.S. and U.K. that somehow Iraq is a battleground in the war on terror is a load of tripe. Realize people that THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR. There is only the war of the West against the rest of the world in the hopes of securing their vast fortunes made off the backs of colonialist conquerings and illegal, unfair trade practises.
Who are these sick pigs fooling when they defend the slaughter of Iraqi civilians and mass devastation of urban areas by talking about supposed Western values ? No-one outside Europe and the States believes in the West as a power or as an ideal anymore. Their history of war crimes is written in the blood of millions of innocents as part of their continuously-fought war of ideals.
The West has got to learn the very simple rule of minding their own business instead of going around invading and occupying their way around the globe.
Make no mistake, Iraq is an illegal occupation and the result of an illegal war, just like Palestine. So fuck 'em.
Just a few stories today since I've wasted all my energy on my little monologue.
Al-Qaeda Hacker Arrested
"Lord of the Rings" the Play/Musical Opens in Toronto
The Beatles and Apple Computers Go to Legal War Against Each Other
Interview with Wu-Tang's Ghostface Killah
Arab League Summit
Arab League Discusses Plan to Fund Palestinians
Israelis Go to the Polls With the Ghost of Sharon Hanging Over Them
Microsoft's Troubles With Vista and Windows in General
More Violence in Iraq...
Blair the Rat Wants to Keep Troops in Iraq
Saturday Affairs
An Afghani family looks down on the Sakhy Shrine in Kabul.
More protests in Belarus over fradulent election
Israeli software firm denied business deal
Moussaoui Trial Analysis
U.S. to Enter Talks With Iran Over Iraq
Belarus Protestors Arrested
China is in with Russia on Iran Security Council Issue
Trouble for a Christian Convert in Afghanistan
More Iraq Documents about the Russians and Saddam
Lucas Disses Hollywood
Raid Releases 2 Canadians and a Brit from Iraqi Captors
Minor Anarchy in France
(some) Shi'ites Are Crazy
Scott Ritter Says Iraq War Was Based on a Lie
Hamas Opens Parliament Despite Abu Mazen Objections
Some F.B.I. Agents Don't Even Have E-Mail Addresses
Biometric Scanners Coming to Toronto Pearson Airport
U.S. Inditcs Colombian FARC "Narco-Terrorists"
U.K. High Court Upholds Ban on Jilbebs in Schools
W Press Conference
W Says No Pull-Out As Long As He's President
Microsoft Delays Launch of Windows Vista Until 2007
Security Council Delays Meeting on Iran
Dozens Die in Prison Raid North of Baghdad
Thom Yorke of Radiohead Doesn't Want to Meet With Tony Blair
South Park and Its War on Scientology
Pics of the Week
An American Pilot Getting Ready to Take Off.
Girls frolicking during a festival in Hyderabad, India.
Afghani women lining up for food.
Kurds celebrating a festival in Turkey.
W Warns Iran Against Striking Israel
Gas Prices Are Up
Wal-Mart Ready to Expand in China
Charlie Sheen Doesn't Buy the Official 9/11 Story
Pauline Marois the c*nt from Quebec Resignshttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060320.wmarois0320/BNStory/National/home
U.S. Marines May Have Killed 15 People in Iraq
Reformist Muslim Preaches "New Age" Islam
p.s. check out "Our Word is Our Weapon" on CFBU 103.7 FM St. Catharines, Fridays 7-8pm
Belarus Protests + Barack Obama
Protests in Belarus Over Fake Elections
Bio on Senator Barack Obama
Google Loses, but Wins in Privacy Case with W Administration
Hamas Proposes its Cabinet List for the Next Palestinian Parliament
U.S. Military Wants to Use Coal As its New Energy Source
W Doesn't Think Iraq is in the Midst of a Civil War
Worldwide Protests
Protests for Iraq
Protests for France
More pirate troubles for the world's sailors
U.S. And Iran Talk About Historic Talks
Milosevic Buried
The California Town of Calabasas Bans Cigarettes (!)
Microsoft Takes on I.B.M.
And a Bio of a Young British-Pakistani-Muslim Boxer Named Amir Khan
Important Muslim Achievements
This here is a link to a nice article giving a look at many inventions that we take for granted today that were in fact invented by Muslims, mostly during our much-revered "Golden Age." Makes for good reading. When I'm not so busy, I shall put up the regular pics and links.
Till then,
p.s. its been three whole years since the Gulf War II, let's all celebrate by drinking blood
Operation Swarmer
Operation Swarmer took place yesterday, the largest air assault in Iraq since the 2003 invasion.
U.S. & Iran Pledge to Enter Historic Talks Over Iraq
Bob Woodruff Leaves the Hospital and is Doing Better
Final Fantasy XII Launches in Japan
Salon.com has a Massive Abu Ghraib Feature Up http://salon.com/news/abu_ghraib/2006/03/14/introduction/
And In Case You Didn't Know, The Hell's Angels Distribute Coke In Montreal
War on the Horizon
Condi Rice Calls Iran 'terror's central bank'
Republican Conservatives Rally Base With Threats of Impeachment of W
Abu Mazen Dislikes Israeli Attack on Prison
Iraqi Civilians Killed in Firefight North of Baghdad http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/15/international/middleeast/15cnd-iraq.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
This is W's strategy since he became President back in 2001: Be a bad, incompetent president, make wistful strongly-worded speeches, be even more incompetent, play hardball politics, declare war against the media that makes it clear he is incompetent, and when all else fails, start a war and declare all who continue to crticize terrorists. It's not that complicated, but dear God has it worked wonders in his favours. The rat has conquered two Muslim countries, installed his own governments, killed tens of thousands of civilians and his own troops and generally had the time of his life.
Make no mistake, W is a bloodthirsty killer, blinded by his own grand delusions of freeing the people of the Middle East and spreading joy.
He is primarily concerned with maintaining the image of strong leadership, at any cost. And he has the staff of yes-men and likeminded killers slaving for his and Cheney's demented worldview. So what if Iran is next ? What is anyone going to do about it ? Certainly not the cowardly Muslims, who it affects more so than anyone else. All that could happen is a war not seen for generations, with Israel, Iran, Iraq, the U.S., the U.K., Syria, and maybe even Russia getting involved.
That's all. And if you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
PS3 To Launch in November 2006
Opposing Views on What's Happening Inside Iran's Political System
RollingStone.com's Write-Up of the Famed Arctic Monkeys Rock Band
Judge Forces Google to Comply With W Administration Request
Muqtada Al-Sadr Practises Restraint in Wake of Violence, Blames U.S.
And Israel Starts Work on A New Super Settlement
p.s. click on "=//Turnquest" to e-mail me for questions, comments or concerns
Robert Rodriguez and the Future of Cinema
10% of U.K. Troops Being Brought Home
W's Staff is Exhausted After Trying So Hard to Screw Up America
9/11 Families Protest Construction of 9/11 Monument
Ben Bradlee of Watergate Fame Thinks it was Richard Armitage Who Leaked Valerie Plame
Senator Kerry asked for some 'balls' at Harvard
Harper in Afghanistan
Prime Minister Harper Visits Afghanistan
Iran Builds a Secret Underground Complex In Preparation For War
Milosevic Died From Heart-Attack, the Dirty Rat
R.I.P. Bernie 'Boom Boom' Geoffrion http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=5330f6f9-18e8-4df5-93d0-3acfc8f99fbe&k=98419
1,500 Arrested in Pakistan After 'Basant' The Annual Kite-Flying Festival
Weekend Monkey
The coffin of a Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan when his vehicle rolled over.
Troops in Beijing's Tiananmen Square
Vladimir Putin & Yelena Gagarina, director of the Kremlin Museums, observing the crown of Peter the Great.
Indian Soldiers and a monkey in New Delhi, India
Natalie Glebova, Miss World, in Nicaragua
American Airlines subpoena's Google and YouTube over a training video
W Thinks Saddam's Documents Will Change People's Minds About the War
Jerusalem Post's writeup of Israeli Sabre-Rattling in Advance of UN Action Against Iran
Merry weekend.
Special Report: 'Loose Change'
This here is a stellar documentary about all things 9/11 entitled "Loose Change". It's fairly long and meticuluous, but it will certainly open your mind to the possibilities, much in the way JFK introduced the possibilities for that particular historical event.
Conspiracy theorists unite !
Abramoff/Google/Olmert of Israel
The Globe and Mail's Take on the Israeli Border Story
Intriguing Interview Excerpts of Corrupt Lobbyist Abramoff
Google's GDrive Will Make Your Hard Drive Virtual...
And Your Microsoft Office Obsolete
22 Canadians on Forbes' Billionaire List
CIA Factbook Article About The Country of the Moment, Iran
Down & Out in London And Paris, by George Orwell
Cop it.
Clinton in Montreal
Three Suave Looking Republican Senators
Two Iraqis Mourn the death of a Mahdi Army Soldier
You can tell that when I'm lazy, I just put pics up.
Okay, two stories for ya:
Clinton Visits Montreal
Ronald Reagan's Former Naval Secretary Runs For Office...As a Democrat !
Spacecraft to Impact the Moon
In the east street ballers. Just the news today, and this ace pic of the Habs second-string goalie, Cristabel Huet.
Democrats Planning Giant Voter Database to Compete with GOP
Computer Glitch Messes up NYC Air Traffic Radar, Delaying Flights
Aforementioned Spacecraft to Crash into the Moon
W Really, Really, Really Loves His Rug
Prototypes of Microsoft's much-hyped Origami Ultra-Portable PC
Feace dogs
Hamas At it Again
Meet the Press had a disgusting interview of the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, i.e. the top military official saying on the record that things in Iraq were going "very, very well." Yea, tell that to the thousands of American, British and Iraqi widows you've made and will continue to make until this administration learns some humility and withdraws.
Hamas in Some Inter-Governmental Shenanigans:
U.S. Does Some More Sabre-rattling Against Iran
Pakistani Musharraf Pissed Off at Afghani Karzai
Watch More Hockey.
Eff Crash
Big ups for Three 6, those niggaz gonna have a crazy afterparty. Respect to George Clooney for his Oscar for Syriana, but big disappointment for Spielberg and the grand total of zero Oscars for Munich, for me at least the best drama of the year. Sin City was my personal favorite of last year, and Star Wars ruled, and King Kong was pretty good, and History of Violence was great, and Hurray for Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix and James Mangold and of course Johnny and June Carter Cash for Walk the Line.
ANYWAY, that story yesterday about the withdrawal of troops was denied by the military, but who knows, it still sounds as reasonable as anything else that's come out.
And the W administration continues its war on the media:
A flashback story to the secret FBI project "Magic Lantern" http://msnbc.com/news/660096.asp?cp1=1
More film related news, the next big event picture : 'V For Vendetta'
Freedom For My People
Major news today folks, supposed 'papers' are going to report that the U.S., pushed mostly by its buddybuddy the U.K. which never really liked the idea of sending troops in will fully withdraw troops from Iraq as soon as Spring 2007.
Will this story turn out to be true? For the sake of Rep. John Murtha of the States and most importantly for the people of Iraq, let us all hope so.
p.s - check this quote from W himself about the Iran-India natural gas pipeline:
"In Islamabad, Mr Bush said: "Our beef with Iran is not the pipeline, our beef with Iran is... they want to develop a nuclear weapon and I believe a nuclear weapon in the hands of the Iranians will be very dangerous for all of us.""
OUR BEEF!!!!! respect dat W, respect.
Weekend Edition
Gitmo Names Released (finally...)
Watch Out W! Blair Can Talk to God Too!
Zarqawi Planning for a 'Big Bang' In Iraq
W Arrives in Islamabad, Pakistan
Curfew in Effect for Baghdad
And now the usual pictures of Star Wars :
India But Not Iran?
Sup folks, happy Friday. Starting with the usual top story, no amount of arguing or rhetoric will make me understand how the U.S.'s deal with the great state of India is anything but a hypocritical cashgrubbing move. Strategic counter against China?? Who honestly thinks India can do anything against China? Who honestly thinks the U.S. can do anything against China? And then of course, while making nicey-nice with India the rats who tested first and were sanctioned by the Clinton administration (and rightly so...), the U.S. thinks they can have any sort of justifiable stance against Iran, a country that HAS NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Just cuz the Indians believe they have a future in tech when like 90% of their 1 billion people eat rocks and roti for food and drink river water to survive. Bah humbug.
Secret U.S.-Dubai Deal in the Works
Above-mentioned U.S.-India Nuke Deal http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25689-2067184,00.html
AND U.S.-India Military Arms Deal
Pakistani Martyrs Score a Kill Against Innocent Diplomat
And to end on a happy note, your telescopes will be useless by 2050
Fookpop Blog : The W Edition
W Goes to India http://us.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/03/01/bush.india.visit/index.html
W Expresses Incompetent Confidence in Face of Katrina http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060301.wkatrina0301/BNStory/International/home
W Interviewed by ABC's Hot Anchor Elizabeth Vargas (recap) http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=1672006&page=1
W's B*tch Shows off Her Workout Routine http://www.nbc4.com/health/7570624/detail.html
W Thinks Bin Laden Will Let Himself Be Taken Alive http://apnews.myway.com/article/20060301/D8G2QLDG0.html
Islamic Jihad's Commander Martyred in Gaza http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060301.wisrael0301/BNStory/International/home
Corrupt Lobbyist Abramoff Pushed to Drill For Oil in Israel
Full Text - Ahmadinejad's Speech to the UN
United Nations, New York, Sept 17, IRNA
Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday offered proposal on nuclear program.
The following is full text of President Ahmadinejad before the Sixtieth Session of the United Nations General Assembly:
"In the Name of the God of Mercy, Compassion, Peace, Freedom and Justice
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"Today we have gathered here to exchange views about the world, its future and our common responsibilities towards it. It is evident that the future of the world is intertwined with its current state and the prevailing trends ,which exhibit signs of hope and despair.
"On the one hand certain hopes and opportunities exist, and this august Assembly is convened on such hopes. Today human thought reflects outstanding commonalities which provide appropriate grounds to build upon. With the passing of the era of agnostic philosophies, today humanity is once again joined in celebrating monotheism and belief in the Creator as the originator of existence. This is the common thread which binds us all.
"Faith will prove to be the solution to many of today's problems.
The Truth will shine the light of faith and ethics on the life of human beings and prevent them from aggression, coercion and injustice and will guide them towards care and compassion for fellow beings.
"Another hope is the common global appreciation of the sources of knowledge. Although reason, experience and science are among valuable sources of knowledge, the darkness of the Middle Ages deprived major portions of the Western world of appreciating. This reactionary tendency deprived many of access to various scientific findings and knowledge and led to the exclusion of other sources of knowledge namely God and knowledge based on revelation from the life of human beings in the West; Divine knowledge that was carried and disseminated by such prophets as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad (peace be upon them).
"Today, agnostic thinking is on the decline and presently humanity is equally enamored with religion knowledge and spirituality. This is an auspicious beginning. Divine prophets teach us about proper regard for the exalted state of human beings on earth.
"The human being is blessed with dignity, most importantly manifested in being the viceroy of the Almighty on earth. The Almighty placed humans on earth to develop it, institutionalize justice, overcome their egoistic tendencies and praise no lord but the Almighty.
"Faith and good deeds can bring deliverance and the good life even in this world. Attaining this depends on human will, that is the will of each and every one of us. We must heed the call of our common primordial nature and achieve the realization of this good life.
"On the other hand, the prevalence of military domination, increasing poverty, the growing gap between rich and poor countries, violence as a means to solve crises, spread of terrorism, specially state terrorism, existence and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the pervasive lack of honesty in interstate relations, and disregard for the equal rights of peoples and nations in international relations constitute some of the challenges and threats.
"Although these challenges are very real, we believe we are not predestined to experience them. Our common will not only can change this course but in fact can lead us to a life filled with hope and prosperity. Divine revelation teaches us that "The Almighty changes the fate of no people unless they themselves show a will for change" (Holy Quran, 13:11).
"How can we influence the future of the world? When and how will peace, tranquility and well-being for all come about? These are the fundamental questions before us.
"We believe that a sustainable order, nurturing and flourishing peace and tranquility, can only be realized on the two pillars of justice and spirituality. The more human society departs from justice and spirituality, the greater insecurity it will face, so much so that a relatively small crisis, such as a natural disaster, leads to various abnormalities and inhuman behavior.
"Unfortunately, the world is rife with discrimination and poverty.
Discrimination produces hatred, war and terrorism. They all share the common root of lack of spirituality coupled with injustice. Justice is about equal rights, the correct distribution of resources in the territories of different states, the equality of all before the law and respect for international agreements.
"Justice recognizes the right of every one to tranquility, peace and a dignified life. Justice rejects intimidation and double standards. As the eminent daughter of the Prophet of Islam has said, "justice brings tranquility and harmony to our hearts."
"Today, the world is longing for the establishment of such justice. If humanity heeds the call of its primordial nature with firm resolve, justice will emerge. This is what the Almighty has promised and all people of good will from all religions are waiting for. If the prevailing discourse of global relations becomes one of justice and spirituality, then durable peace will be guaranteed.
"Conversely, if international relations are defined without justice and spirituality and void of moral considerations, then the mechanisms for promoting confidence and peace will remain insufficient and ineffective.
"If some, relying on their superior military and economic might, attempt to expand their rights and privileges, they will be performing a great disservice to the cause of peace and in fact will fuel the arms race and spread insecurity, fear and deception. If global trends continue to serve the interests of small influential groups, even the interests of the citizens of powerful countries will be jeopardized, as was seen in the recent crises and the even natural disaster such as the recent tragic hurricane.
"Today, my nation calls on other nations and governments to "move forward to a durable tranquility and peace based on justice and spirituality."
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is born out of a movement, based on the pure primordial nature of a people who rose up to regain their dignity esteem and human rights. The Islamic Revolution toppled a regime, which had been put in place through a coup, and supported by those who claim to be advocates of democracy and human rights, thwarted the aspirations of the nation for development and progress for 25 years through intimidation and torture of the populace and submission and subservience to outsiders.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is the manifestation of true democracy in the region. The discourse of the Iranian nation is focused on respect for the rights of human beings and a quest for tranquillity, peace, justice and development for all through monotheism.
"For 8 years, Saddam's regime imposed a massive war of aggression and occupation on my people. It employed the most heinous weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons against Iranians and Iraqis alike. Who, in fact, armed Saddam with these weapons? What was the reaction of those who now claim to fight against WMDs regarding the use of chemical weapons back then? The world is witness to the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran, because of its humanitarian principles, even during the most testing of times and when it was sustaining the highest number of casualties, never allowed itself to use such weapons.
"Thousands of nuclear warheads that are stockpiled in various locations coupled with programs to further develop these inhuman weapons have created a new atmosphere of repression and the rule of the machines of war, threatening the international community and even the citizens of the countries that possess them.
"Ironically, those who have actually used nuclear weapons, continue to produce, stockpile and extensively test such weapons, have used depleted uranium bombs and bullets against tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kuwaitis, and even their own soldiers and those of their allies, afflicting them with incurable diseases, blatantly violate their obligations under the NPT, have refrained from signing the CTBT and have armed the Zionist occupation regime with WMDs, are not only refusing to remedy their past deeds, but in clear breech of the NPT, are trying to prevent other countries from acquiring the technology to produce peaceful nuclear energy.
"All these problems emanate from the fact that justice and spirituality are missing in the way powerful governments conduct their affairs with other nations.
"After September 11, a particular radical group was accused of terrorist activities -- although it was never explained how such huge intelligence gathering and security organizations failed to prevent such an extensive and well planned operation.
"Why powers that, not so long ago, were supporting the activities of such groups in Afghanistan and thus portraying themselves as supporters of human rights and the Afghan people have over night turned into their most fierce critic?
"Are we to believe that their benefactors ,i.e. the very same hegemonic powers have lost control?
"If the answer is yes, would it not be better for those powers to adopt an honest and transparent approach to the international community, provide precise information about the main elements and their arms and financial support system, and accept responsibility for their inhuman actions against nations and countries, and thereby assist peoples and nations to correctly, wisely and sincerely fight the roots of terrorism.
"We must endeavor to achieve sustainable tranquility and peace based on justice and spirituality.
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"Terrorism and WMDs are two major threats before the international community. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the main victims of terrorism and chemical weapons, fully appreciates the difficulties that lie ahead in the road to combat these menaces.
"Today, the most serious challenge is that the culprits are arrogating to themselves the role of the prosecutor. Even more dangerous is that certain parties relying on their power and wealth try to impose a climate of intimidation and injustice over the world make bullying, while through their huge media resources portray themselves as defenders of freedom, democracy and human rights.
"People around the world are fully aware of what is happening in the occupied Palestine. Women and children are being murdered and adolescents taken prisoner. Houses are being demolished and farms burnt down. Yet, when the people of Palestine resist these conditions, they are accused of terrorism. At the same time, the occupier, which does not abide by any principles and terror is part of its pronounced and routine policy enjoys the support of the previously mentioned governments. Let me be blunter. State terrorism is being supported by those who claim to fight terrorism.
"How can one talk about human rights and at the same time blatantly deny many the inalienable right to have access to science and technology with applications in medicine, industry and energy and through force and intimidation hinder their progress and development? "Can nations be deprived of scientific and technological progress through the threat of use of force and based on mere allegations of possibility of military diversion? We believe that all countries and nations are entitled to technological and scientific advancement in all fields, particularly the peaceful technology to produce nuclear fuel. Such access cannot be restricted to a few, depriving most nations and by establishing economic monopolies, use them as an instrument to expand their domination.
"We have gathered here to defend human rights in accordance with Charter of UN and prevent certain powers from claiming that "some countries have more rights "or that" some countries do not have the right to enjoy their legitimate rights".
"We must not, at the beginning of the 21st century, revert to the logic of the dark ages and once again try to deny societies access to scientific and technological advances.
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"The UN must be the symbol of democracy and the equal rights of nations. If we talk about the equal rights of nations in political forums, we must talk of the same concept in this forum as well.
"Similarly, if we talk about the right of sovereignty, then all nations must be allowed to exercise their rights on an equal footing and in a democratic process.
"The UN can be the standard bearer of democracy in the world, when it, itself, is a manifestation of democratic process. I reiterate that durable tranquility and peace can only be built on justice and spirituality.
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is a symbol of true democracy. All officials including the Leader, President, members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, city and village councils are elected through the vote of the citizens. The Islamic Republic of Iran has held 27 national elections in 27 years. This showcases a vibrant and dynamic society in which people widely participate in the political life.
"Because of its key importance and influence in the important and strategic Middle East region, the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to contribute actively to the promotion of peace and stability in the region.
"Saddam, Taliban regimes were both the products of foreign powers.
The people of Afghanistan and Iraq know very well who supported these two regimes.
"Today, to establish peace and security in the region, foreign occupation forces must leave and completely hand over the political and economic sovereignty of these two countries to their peoples. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue to provide full and comprehensive support to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and their elected governments, and will actively help them in the establishment of order and security. My country will continue and expand its sincere cooperation and interaction with them.
"In Palestine, a durable peace will be possible through justice, an end to discrimination and the occupation of Palestinian land, the return of all Palestinian refugees, and the establishment of a democratic Palestinian state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
"Today, more than ever, nations need constructive, positive and honest cooperation and interaction in order to enjoy a dignified, tranquil and peaceful life based on justice and spirituality. Let us enter into a collective covenant to realize this legitimate aspiration of our nations.
"Here, I would like to briefly talk about the approach and initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the nuclear issue.
Nuclear weapons and their proliferation, and attempts to impose an apartheid regime on access to peaceful nuclear energy, are two major threats, challenging international tranquility and peace.
"Keeping in mind that in past years no serious efforts complimented by practical mechanisms -- have been made to move towards full disarmament and more specifically implement the decisions and outcomes of the NPT Review Conferences of 1995 and 2000, I suggest that the General Assembly, as the most inclusive UN organ, mandate an ad-hoc committee to compile and submit a comprehensive report on possible practical mechanisms and strategies for complete disarmament.
"This Committee should also be asked to investigate as to how contrary to the NPT -- material, technology and equipment for nuclear weapons were transferred to the Zionist regime, and to propose practical measures for the establishment of a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East.
"Some powerful states practice a discriminatory approach against access of NPT members to material, equipment, and peaceful nuclear technology, and by doing so, intend to impose a nuclear apartheid.
"We are concerned that once certain powerful states completely control nuclear energy resources and technology, they will deny access to and thus deepen the divide between powerful countries and the rest of the international community. When that happens, we will be divided into light and dark countries.
"Regrettably, in the past 30 years, no effective measure has been implemented to facilitate the exercise of the legally recognized right of NPT state-parties to have access to and use peaceful nuclear energy in accordance with article IV. Therefore, the General Assembly should ask the IAEA in accordance with article 2 of its Statute to report on violations by specific countries that have hindered the implementation of the above article and also produce practical strategies for its renewed implementation.
"What needs our particular attention is the fact that peaceful use of nuclear energy without possession of nuclear fuel cycle is an empty proposition. Nuclear power plants can indeed lead to total dependence of countries and peoples if they need to rely for their fuel on coercive powers, who do not refrain from any measure in furtherance of their interests. No popularly elected and responsible government can consider such a situation in the interest of its people. The history of dependence on oil in oil rich countries under domination is an experiment that no independent country is willing to repeat.
"Those hegemonic powers, who consider scientific and technological progress of independent and free nations as a challenge to their monopoly on these important instruments of power and who do not want to see such achievements in other countries, have misrepresented Iran's healthy and fully safeguarded technological endeavors in the nuclear field as pursuit of nuclear weapons. This is nothing but a propaganda ploy. The Islamic Republic of Iran is presenting in good faith its proposal for constructive interaction and a just dialogue.
"However, if some try to impose their will on the Iranian people through resort to a language of force and threat with Iran, we will reconsider our entire approach to the nuclear issue.
"Allow me, as the elected President of the Iranian people, to outline the other main elements of my country's initiative regarding the nuclear issue:
"1. The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its previously and repeatedly declared position that in accordance with our religious principles, pursuit of nuclear weapons is prohibited.
"2. The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that it is necessary to revitalize the NPT and create the above-mentioned ad-hoc committee so that it can combat nuclear weapons and abolish the apartheid in peaceful nuclear technology.
"3. Technically, the fuel cycle of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not different from that of other countries which have peaceful nuclear technology.
"Therefore, as a further confidence building measure and in order to provide the greatest degree of transparency, the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to engage in serious partnership with private and public sectors of other countries in the implementation of uranium enrichment program in Iran. This represents the most far reaching step, outside all requirements of the NPT, being proposed by Iran as a further confidence building measure.
"4. In keeping with Iran's inalienable right to have access to a nuclear fuel cycle, continued interaction and technical and legal cooperation with the IAEA will be the centerpiece of our nuclear policy.
"Initiation and continuation of negotiations with other countries will be carried out in the context of Iran's interaction with the Agency.
"With this in mind, I have directed the relevant Iranian officials to compile the legal and technical details of Iran's nuclear approach, based on the following considerations:
"4.1. International precedence tells us that nuclear fuel- delivery contracts are unreliable and no legally binding international document or instrument exists to guarantee the delivery of nuclear fuel.
"On many occasions such bilateral contracts stopped altogether for political reasons. Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in its pursuit of peaceful nuclear technology, considers it within its legitimate rights to receive objective guarantees for uranium enrichment in the nuclear fuel cycle.
"4.2. In its negotiations with the EU3 ,Iran has tried in earnest to prove the solid and rightful foundations of its nuclear activity in the context of the NPT, and to establish mutual trust. The selection of our negotiating partners and the continuation of negotiations with the EU3 will be commensurate with the requirements of our cooperation with the Agency regarding non-diversion of the process of uranium enrichment to non-peaceful purposes in the framework of the provisions of the NPT. In this context, several proposals have been presented which can be considered in the context of negotiations. The Islamic Republic of Iran appreciates the positive contribution of South Africa and H.E. President Mbeki personally in the resolution of the nuclear issue and cognizant of South Africa's active role in the IAEA Board of Governors would welcome its active participation in the negotiations.
"4.3. The discriminatory approaches regarding the NPT that focuses on the obligations of state-parties and disregards their rights under the Treaty should be discontinued.
"As the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I assure you that my country will use everything in its power to contribute to global tranquility and peace based on the two maxims of spirituality and justice as well as the equal rights of all peoples and nations.
My country will interact and cooperate constructively with the international community to face the challenges before us.
"Dear Friends and Colleagues,
"From the beginning of time, humanity has longed for the day when justice, peace, equality and compassion envelop the world. All of us can contribute to the establishment of such a world. When that day comes, the ultimate promise of all Divine religions will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being who is heir to all prophets and pious men. He will lead the world to justice and absolute peace.