Yesterday 40 Iraqi Army recruits were killed in a suicide bombing at a base between Tal Afar and Mosul. Another 16 employees of a trading company were kidnapped, with CNN now reporting something like 35 people being kidnapped over the last two days. Dick Cheney, VP of the U.S. on Face the Nation a week ago denied that there is a civil war underway in Iraq.
Well Dick Cheney is the captain of all the rosey-eyed freedom-bestowing optimists in Iraq after all. He must know what's up in Iraq. And his lackey Blair also made the claim recently that the war is part of a greater war between pretty Western values and backwards Islamist values.
In this reporter's not so humble opinion, the entire idea being propagated by the leaders of the U.S. and U.K. that somehow Iraq is a battleground in the war on terror is a load of tripe. Realize people that THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR. There is only the war of the West against the rest of the world in the hopes of securing their vast fortunes made off the backs of colonialist conquerings and illegal, unfair trade practises.
Who are these sick pigs fooling when they defend the slaughter of Iraqi civilians and mass devastation of urban areas by talking about supposed Western values ? No-one outside Europe and the States believes in the West as a power or as an ideal anymore. Their history of war crimes is written in the blood of millions of innocents as part of their continuously-fought war of ideals.
The West has got to learn the very simple rule of minding their own business instead of going around invading and occupying their way around the globe.
Make no mistake, Iraq is an illegal occupation and the result of an illegal war, just like Palestine. So fuck 'em.
Just a few stories today since I've wasted all my energy on my little monologue.
Al-Qaeda Hacker Arrested
"Lord of the Rings" the Play/Musical Opens in Toronto
The Beatles and Apple Computers Go to Legal War Against Each Other
Interview with Wu-Tang's Ghostface Killah
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