
War on the Horizon

W Revives Preemptive War Strategy

Condi Rice Calls Iran 'terror's central bank'

Republican Conservatives Rally Base With Threats of Impeachment of W

Abu Mazen Dislikes Israeli Attack on Prison

Iraqi Civilians Killed in Firefight North of Baghdad http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/15/international/middleeast/15cnd-iraq.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

This is W's strategy since he became President back in 2001: Be a bad, incompetent president, make wistful strongly-worded speeches, be even more incompetent, play hardball politics, declare war against the media that makes it clear he is incompetent, and when all else fails, start a war and declare all who continue to crticize terrorists. It's not that complicated, but dear God has it worked wonders in his favours. The rat has conquered two Muslim countries, installed his own governments, killed tens of thousands of civilians and his own troops and generally had the time of his life.

Make no mistake, W is a bloodthirsty killer, blinded by his own grand delusions of freeing the people of the Middle East and spreading joy.

He is primarily concerned with maintaining the image of strong leadership, at any cost. And he has the staff of yes-men and likeminded killers slaving for his and Cheney's demented worldview. So what if Iran is next ? What is anyone going to do about it ? Certainly not the cowardly Muslims, who it affects more so than anyone else. All that could happen is a war not seen for generations, with Israel, Iran, Iraq, the U.S., the U.K., Syria, and maybe even Russia getting involved.

That's all. And if you tolerate this, then your children will be next.


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