Photos from the past week approximately:
Berlusconi, you are a fat pig. Italy deserves nothing better than a fascist billionaire.
Morgan "had to copy-paste his last name" Tsvangirai, I hope you teach Robert Mugabe a big lesson in "What Happens to Corrupt Dictators."
It's the woman in the middle who makes this pic. Something about airline prices.
Phew! Beating the shit out of a car sure does work up an appetite. Good thing E. Honda taught me the hundred-hand slap.

Idols for the idolaters...
That's rice she's picking up. Look at the expression on the Iraqi soldier's face and tell me you don't ever wonder about going over there, if only to punch his face.
Oh you know, Mr. Clean works wonders. (Iraq, where else?)
"No such thing as evolution."
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