Iran, Iran...Over the weekend, stories started to circulate that the W Administration in conjunction with the Defense Department have drawn up plans to attack key Irani military sites. These plans include the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons.
With nothing holding them back, the question now is when will they strike rather than if. There is no public opinion on the US' side of course, but that does not stop the W administration of course. Militarily, they are not in the best of shape to say the least. The country's forces are not prepared for an invasion, or more accurately, the immense counterattack from the Iranis is such a proposed attack would take place. Nevertheless, expect some sort of strike before the year is out.
Hizbollah and Iran's own powerful military would see to it that any so-called progress made in Iraq would be wiped clean and that U.S. interests in the region would be made acutely vulnerable. As well, and most importantly, an attack would cause a global recession because the cost of oil would increase dramatically.
But such consequences are not thought of in the W White House. They see their number one priority is protecting the American people. From what? The endless, infinite threat of terrorism.
If they just so happen to increase their popularity in the polls a good 10 to 20 points during any military action and cause greater fear to spread through the ranks of the American people while they're at it, so be it. The thousands dead and those who will die from their actions don't have the luxury of opinions to try and sway W or his men either way. There is only their eternal silence.
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