
Election Results

As expected, the party formerly known as the the Progressive-Conservative/Reform/Canadian Reform Alliance Party (CRAP)/Canadian Alliance won. But less than 30 seats seperate their minority victory from the Liberals, who somehow still got a 100 seats despite being corrupt pigs who straight-up laundered $250 million from taxpayers into their and their lackey's accounts. How I despise Paul Martin and his administration.

Yea everyone hates Harper already, but I think, judging strictly on looks, he'll be a good PM for the first half of his administration, y'know, just to build support in parliament. THEN, when no-one's lookin, BAM, here come the concentration camps and martial law and "troops in the street". Then we'll see who's gonna be buying "beer and popcorn." Calllis du sti bois du sacrament de chienne de chatte du baise-moi tabernak.

At least the Bloc and the NDP did well...sort of.


p.s. remember, its just politics...and canadian politics at that.

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