
India But Not Iran?

Orthodox-Jewish Lobbyist Jack Abramoff looking grizzled and sad

Sup folks, happy Friday. Starting with the usual top story, no amount of arguing or rhetoric will make me understand how the U.S.'s deal with the great state of India is anything but a hypocritical cashgrubbing move. Strategic counter against China?? Who honestly thinks India can do anything against China? Who honestly thinks the U.S. can do anything against China? And then of course, while making nicey-nice with India the rats who tested first and were sanctioned by the Clinton administration (and rightly so...), the U.S. thinks they can have any sort of justifiable stance against Iran, a country that HAS NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Just cuz the Indians believe they have a future in tech when like 90% of their 1 billion people eat rocks and roti for food and drink river water to survive. Bah humbug.

Secret U.S.-Dubai Deal in the Works

Above-mentioned U.S.-India Nuke Deal
AND U.S.-India Military Arms Deal


Pakistani Martyrs Score a Kill Against Innocent Diplomat


And to end on a happy note, your telescopes will be useless by 2050



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