
First Post

Greetings Friend.

This here is a dispatch to my friends and to all open-minded, free-thinking people of the world. It is only a test, and you will soon find that my style of posting and heresay news reporting is unorthodox. My influences are Mr. Harry Knowles of AIN'T IT COOL NEWS, and yes, despite his supposed political leanings, Mr. Matt Drudge of the DRUDGE REPORT. Both of these men have produced industry-changing webpages and are the true pioneers/pirates of this Information Age of Hysteria we live in.

Thanks all, and stay tuned.


p.s. Daniel Lewin 9/11


Anonymous said...

Hey there! I've just run into an awesome website on the net - and just couldn't miss the chance to tell the world about it.
Anybody here who remembers how things used to go back in 1990s when usenet was popular and people were sending pics and messages back and forth in that network through dialup connections? :)
Well, this is what this site is based on! Boy, I've never seen a collection of content as huge as this before! Dozens or maybe even hundreds of terabytes of high-quality video and photo content, user-friendly navigation system, video clip previews… Alright, you better go and check this site out yourself. By the way, this site is intended for adults, so if you are not 18 yet, better close this topic and pretend you have never seen it, alright? Yeah, I know that spamming is bad - so if you want to hit this site, simply get the link to it in my profile.

teenspetite. c o m

Anonymous said...

Все люди делом живы. Только два стимула заставляют работать людей: жажда заработной платы и боязнь ее потерять. Кто в поте лица работает, тот отдыхая радуется. Только труд дает право на наслаждение. Ничто в жизни не достается без труда. Возвращаясь с работы, вы должны испытывать удовлетворение от самой работы. Хорошо работает лишь тот, кто любит само дело, а не только его результат. Безделье бывает разное, но результат одинаково плачевный.

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