This post is for all those kind souls who care to visit this site without prodding or personal acquaintance with myself. It's early morning/late night April 21. I finished my last exam yesterday, so school's out for the summer. No, I'm not going to endure a month of summer classes in this town for half a credit. The current song on iTunes is a Spritualized track called "Don't Just Do Something" off their album Let it Come Down.
I contemplate ways of attracting more hits to this blog, without outright paid advertising. I would imagine this means active scouring of other blogs and message boards, trying to drum up support. Such a campaign would require active commitment. What if I turn it into a kind of sex blog with like detailed descriptions and erotica? Y'know, in addition to the geopolitical ego-driven Islamist analysis...
Plans for the summer include shooting and cutting this movie of mine called "Delivery" in MTL. We have some talented people and unique personalities working on it so it should come out alright. As well, finding a decent temporary place to reside would be beneficial. Finding a job is usually only a time-consuming activity, but certainly not an impossible one.
En plus, shall I tell the one how I feel about her? Oh the mid-90s Bollywood dilemma.
This roommate of mine is a cursed individual. I strongly feel he is cheating on his wife, who lives in Ghana. We share badlooks on any of the rare occasions we make eye contact. Talking or engaging in conversation is non-existant, except when there is the business of the bills or I am not using headphones or when my voice is "too high" while on the phone.
The tax return came, funding my immediate future.
There is no 24 hour delivery place in this town, an inconvenient problem.
There's a new Chuck Palahniuk book coming called "RANT" that sounds damn fine. I personally recommend "Diary," "Survivor," and "Choke," those being the ones I've read. No, "Fight Club" doesn't count, that one I'm sure you've already read, twice, and have it sitting on your bookshelf to impress people. I think I'll buy that this summer, along with "Deathly Hallows." Because I must find out what happens, who dies, who hooks up and what new spells and crazy duels that old bat pulls out.
I want to watch "Zodiac" again, because I can't stop thinking about nice-looking, well-paced, low-key, tense, oddly funny and sharp it all was.
I suppose I should get crackin' on that script of Detainee 063. It needs a new layer of subtext and a new subplot or diversion somewhere around the 60 page mark; not a twist, just something that makes it stick with you and so it doesn't become "that CIA torture movie." How about a fake allibi and intricate story that sends the interrogators off on some chase only to find out it's all some bullshit? Mmm...
Oh, considering we just passed 4/20, here's a link for those interested: