
Special Feature: Daniel Lewin and 9/11

Greetings. I figure since I'm approaching the bloated hit-count of 500, I'm going to start posting a few radical conspiracy theory ideas for the sake of it. But first, the news.

Bush Going To India

Irani Leader Ahmedinijad on 'Divine Mission'

Smithsonian Recognizes the Hip-Hop Revolution

Amount stolen in British Heist Balloons to $92 Million U.S.

And a special feature for my true readers:

IDF Elite Unit ?

Who Was Daniel Lewin and What Was He Doing on Flight 11 ?



Port Security and Muqtada

Happy Day of Rest and Chilling folks,

A little editorial (I rarely do these) before we move on to the news roundup. What's up with the Shi'ites these days? We have Muqtada Al-Sadr in Iraq meeting with Sunnis...Iran and Syria announcing they are long lost brothers in war against the U.S. and more rumours of "the Ummah" coming together in a magical moment of pan-Islamic Brotherhood....Get over it people.

It's going to take a lot more than a handful of Shi'ite clerics calling for unity to bring together the hopelessly shattered Ummah of the days of the Prophet (pbuh). Stretching from Morocco in the West to as far as Indonesia to the East (and Russia to the North) with a couple major problems in between (like India...), this random gathering of countries have far too many squabbling differences in culture, language and ideas for the future of Islam than one can count.

So what should be done? I think the big thing the divided Ummah should do is take control of itself first. Corrupt regimes in Saudi Arabia and Egypt need to be brought within the circle of influence that Iran, Syria and soon Iraq are falling under. These three countries have already done what all the Arab Leagues and OPECs have failed to do, which is call for something higher than simple economic ties, but a common goal of pan-Islamic brotherhood...that regardless of the minor differences or even the gap between Shi'ites and Sunnis, they have a common allegiance to each other. And that's respectful.

But as long as the Israel-American Alliance continues to make bolder steps into Muslim lands (and we the people let them do so...), the longer and more difficult road to unity will be. So unite now brothers and sisters ! The time to literally draw a line in the sand has come.

And now the news.

Iraqi Leaders Plead For Unity in Face of Civil War

Homeland Security Objected to Ports Deal

Al-Qaeda Behind Attempted Bombing of Abqaiq Oil Facility

Final Olympic Medal Count (Canada #3 !!!!)

Iran and Russia Reach Agreement, Possibly Voiding Security Council Action

& Iran Threatens Dimona If America Attacks



Saturday Pictures

Some pictures (and explanatory captions!) for y'all :

The new Spider-Man Costume (it's black)

A Spaceport planned for construction in Singapore

Matt Damon, George Clooney, Alexander Siddig (DR. BASHIR FROM DS9!!!!) and some Arab dude from the intensely great film SYRIANA (2005)

The new $25 million man - Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi of Jordan

U2 live in concert in Mexico

Players from the 4 Eastern Conference NHL teams battling for the 8th playoff spot

Mardi Gras 2006 in the Phoenix-rising New New Orleans

Happy weekend folks.


p.s. if you click on my name, you can e-mail me! This is true for every post where my signature appears.


"Are you planning to synthesize LSD ?"

Brief post today for all you Friday negros:

Iraq Implements Curfew

Late Breaking News/U.A.E. Ports Deal Delayed

Scooter Libby tries some legal wrangling

Condaleeza Rice snubs Lebanese President Emile


Strayt from the Streets of the B.T. (Beirut)



Back to the ol' depressing news

Pic of the day is an employee of Sony Japan holding Sony's new low-price consumer High-Definition digital camcorder:

In any case, here's the links:

Microsoft May Release 8 Different Versions of Windows Vista:


Jimmy Carter Supports (!) W's Push to Help His Arab Buddies...

While Majority Leader Frist Opposes !

And Hilary Introduces New Legislation Against !

And as Iraq Dissolves into Chaos, Embassies Burn, Hurricanes Strike, India Kills Chickens




Turning Muslim in Texas

Evening ladies and gentlemen...I've noticed my little hit counter has been steadily rising and for this, I wish to thank you all deeply. It's comforting to know my work here online is being read and appreciated. I serve my readers faithfully, and if there are any comments or concerns or questions, be sure to e-mail me at tommyturnquest@hotmail.com.

As a thanks, here are some pictures of Star Wars: Empire At War.

And a little video courtesy of my good friend Jouman El-Asmar, a video from Google you'll all enjoy called "Turning Muslim in Texas."

Peace out, more newslinks tomorrow.


Bird Flue + Hamas Prime Minister

Back. Here's what you should be paying attention to if you actually paid attention:

Bird Flu 2: Return of the Bird Flu http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060221/sc_nm/birdflu_containment_dc_1

Hamas Picks a Vice President

W says 'U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough'

Canada Wins Gold Medal in Women's Hockey

NORAD growing...

And pic of the day goes to some Palestinian cops :



Friday Windstorms

Supdogs...little post today cuz i got me some chilling to do: Nas and Jay-Z Interview on MTV http://www.hiphopgame.com/news.php3?id=1194

And pictures for your weekend pleasure :


p.s. this edition of FOOKPOP BLOG is sponsored by Islamic Advices, brought to you by Tyco.


Thursday Hailstorms

A shooting has captivated Washington's media airwaves while meanwhile the real stories go uncovered...here are just some of those real stories:

House of Representatives To Hold Inquiry on N.S.A. Wiretap Scandal

U.S. Continues Efforts to Overthrow Hamas

A U.S.-Backed Iraqi Government-Backed 'Death Squad' Targets Sunnis

France Alleges Iran Wants Military Nukes


U.N. Orders Guantanamo Bay Prison to Shut Down

Tens of Thousands of People Protest the Cartoons in Pakistan

So to editorialize...while we teenagers and twentysomethings party and work ourselves to death, the elder generation of our parents plot to destroy half the world through war and sanctions. The U.S.-Israeli Alliance continues to seduce governments like France to their cause of world hegemony, while Iran continues to play nuclear war games, China plots to overthrow U.S. hegemony, and pretty much everyone else, including my beloved Canada, sits and crosses their fingers hoping nobody pulls the trigger first.

It's depressing folks, but as a reporter, it's my duty to give you the straight truth and let yourself decide on A. what to think B. how to act.

And you can't do Step B without doing Step A. Make up your own mind, and take sides because before you know it....

Someone's going to fire that first shot, whether you're looking or not.

And if you're old and sober enough to remember 9/11, someone did fire the first shot.



On Location in Cartierville

Good evening gentlemen... not much going on in the States today so a quick roundup of events around the world:

UK Bans Public Smoking

U.S. & Israel Plot Regime Change Against Hamas in Palestine

Saddam Hussein Goes on a Hunger Strike

Wild Parties at Montreal's McGill University

And some pictures cuz I love you all:



Pictures + Audi TT

Greetings all...little to report on this Monday except Dick Cheney shot his friend while on a hunting trip and Iran & Russia are making sinister plans together...oooo! beware Western Civilization beware!

And ye, this is for my inner circle, Sunday & Monday's Pictures:


And this is a link to the new Audi TT concept:




Saddam 2 : The Return of Saddam

Live from the 514 still gs.... take it easy.



On Location from the 514...

A quick post strictly for my N.I.G.G.A.Z. :

A peaceful pro-Prophet protest in Montreal:
The first pictures of W and Jack Abramoff, corrupt lobbyist.

US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites

And the customary pic of the day :

This is a man in Montreal who was chanting Anti-Muslim slogans after the above-mentioned peaceful protest.



World Trade Center

This is a film directed by Oliver Stone shooting currently and will be released this year about two Port Authority workers who saved lives in the aftermath of 9/11...and this is the poster, courtesy of Ain't It Cool News and my main man Quint.


Off to MTL (again)...

Dogs...I am off to the great city of Montreal, Quebec again so apologies for erratic posts, but here's a few pictures to keep you tided till I return to delivering your regularly-scheduled doses of Fookpop News :




Special Request

I can't begin to explain the reasons behind the request from my negro DJ Dangers to post these two pics...but I'm not an unreasonable man and I comply.


p.s. - here's some more N.S.A. shit


p.s.s. - and the trailer for Outkast's new movie



Before I proceed with the usual news roundup, I cannot recommend enough Spielberg's latest film Munich because, well, it's probably the best drama of 2005 and one of the best political movies of all-time. Hell, it could probably be considered a war movie considering the level of dead-seriousness and just how hardcore the violence is....

Anyway, here's Bono's speech from the U.S. National Prayer Breakfast, something for all the Muslims, Christians and Jews:


Congratulations to them for their 2nd album of the year Grammy.

This here is a link to that dapper Anderson Cooper of CNN and his blog:


He writes about Bin Laden and the cartoon riots.

And following up on the N.S.A. wiretap story:


And here's a lovely picture for the times:

Peace out all,



Jacques Chirac

I don't know what's up with this guy, but one day he's all like "We're ready to use our nukes against Iran..." and now he's like "Don't provoke them Muslims!!!" C'est comme whatever g, t'un faggot.




Drudge Links + Angry Black Reverand

Drudge has a great edition up now, here's a selection of links :

Don't Mess With Muslim Hackers:


CIA Leak = Witch Hunt ?

January = Warmest Month on Record
http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/02/07/D8FKGOE80.html Exxon Mobil

Senior Vice President says America will always rely on Foreign Oil

Record # of Sleeping Pills

Oh... and Apple came out with a newer, cheaper iPod Nano


Whoa la...

Those damn ay-rabs sure can get feisty when someone BLASPHEMES THEIR BELOVED PROPHET (pbuh).



Sunday Pictures

Here ya go...I would normally put captions, but i'm lazy and not feeling well after a hell of a night of Arab music:

"...the price of being brown in America"

What happened to a respectable member of the United States citizenry, and the sheer madness of a country on edge against an invisible, mostly non-existant threat against whatever the f*ck they are afraid of.




Mobs and WMDs

Interesting little video clip about some embassies being set ablaze by rioters...and other more peaceful acts of defiance about those Prophet cartoons...


An incredibly detailed important article from the one and only Washington Post concerning the Pentagon's long-term global strategy...save this one folks.




Metadata is the secret computer thing that will bring down the New World Odour.



p.s. Sin City is the top movie of 2005, #2 is Revenge of the Sith


Dave Chapelle

Dave Chapelle on why he quit his massively sucessful show and fled to South Africa:


The New York Times' take on the developments in the N.S.A. Wiretapping case, and the impending Congressional Hearings:


A little story from yesterday on Canadian diplomats and Iraq:




And one more for the all-nighters...

Guardian Unlimited

US media at 'all-time low'
Julia Day in Qatar

Thursday February 2, 2006

Yay for al-jazeera urdu, al-jazeera english...coming soon to satellite-equipped TV everywhere.


News Story of the Day

Here's something for all you conspiracy-theory mongers, straight from the right-wing Washington Times (not to be confused with the very center, very honorable and respected Washington Post):

U.S. Agencies find no proof of looming al Qaeda attack
By Bill Gertz
February 2, 2006

Interesting theory there eh ? Oh, btw, in case y'all think I'm on the conservative/Freemason side...


Yea, i said it.



DOGS/I WANT COMMENTS, what the hell do y'all think of this shitty little blog eh ?

and check my new links dogs on the -> right.

oh, and i'm gonna keep on posting this master list of links for the public benefit. Somebody tell mafia_aoa that i have a blog as well, he would enjoy this.

Fookpop Links.


p.s. Negroponte said today to fuck Iran, lets go after the elaborate and mysterious Al-Qaida.... ooo! cuz i said that, does that mean am I part of Al-Qaida now ? is there a membership form ? has this blog just become a terrorist blog ?

Because you are visiting this
blog now, ARE YOU A TERRORIST ?!?!

WHO KNOWS ?!?!?!?!?!?

And for my masterpiece...

sorry Ahmad...




The Full Collection of Pictures


As per your orders milords.





p.s. use your knowledge for good, because those who watch you can kill you



Agenda For February

Theres a lot of shit going on in the world at the moment. As previously covered, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Palestine, etc. are all their own individual slices of important shit, but hey, i'm just one guy.

My own tastes focus strictly on American politics cuz they are the most banal and over-the-top and soap-operaish...and because mostly of all the war movies i've seen, i feel a direct affinity towards U.S. Military troops.

In any case, the following posts for February will focus on exactly two stories :

1) Iraq.
No, not the usual everyday bombings but developments that directly affect either the average soldier on the ground or the average Iraqi. Which will usually mean developments on the political front and how the new Iraqi government will take form and take control of the war effort, and possibly avoid a civil war. Also, developments on the U.S. side of things which means W and the Republicrats and all that crap.

p.s. lots of fuckin nice pictures too, i promise.

2) The N.S.A. Leak Story

I'll cover this as well because this story has the very definite and real possiblity of ending this President and Administration's reign of terror and bloodshed and in one fell swoop, have the whole lot thrown in prison too. Keep your eyes, readers, on both these stories, if nothing else, because they will frame the debate of the true leaders of the United States, and because the NSA is just so damn cool and scary at the same time. Spies make me horny.

So stay tuned...


more pictures from saturday night

The whole set available via megaupload tomorrow...
